
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2016 Ordinance 16-42 (Passed)

TO AMEND TITLE 2 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL" - Re: Amending BMC 2.04.050 (Regular Meetings) and BMC 2.04.255 (Committees - Scheduling) to Start Common Council Regular Sessions and Committees of the Whole an Hour Earlier - at 6:30 p.m.

This ordinance is sponsored by Councilmember Chopra and would amend Chapter 2.04 (Common Council) by starting Council Regular Sessions and Committees of the Whole an hour earlier – at 6:30 p.m. With this change, these Council meetings should end about an hour earlier than otherwise.

  • Authorization of Labor Agreement
Amends CodeYes
Committee 11/9/2016 6-0 (Granger, Piedmont-Smith, Chopra absent)
Final 11/16/2016 Passed 9-0