
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2016 Resolution 16-02 (Passed)


This resolution is sponsored by Councilmembers Rollo and Ruff and opposes the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP) multinational trade agreement. Documenting the lack of transparency, the offshoring of jobs, and the environmental, labor, health, and human rights harms of the TPP, the resolution calls upon the Congress to reject the TPP. The measure further resolves that the City of Bloomington supports fair international trade agreements, agreements that promote equality, protect labor, protect the environment, protect human health, and protect human rights. The resolution directs the City Clerk to send the legislation to the President of the United States, the Indiana Congressional delegation, and the United States Trade Representative.

Note: This resolution was revised slightly after it was issued in the legislative packet to clarify language in the 15th "Whereas" clause.

  • BCOS
Amends CodeNo
Final 3/2/2016 Passed 9-0