
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2017 Ordinance 17-19 (Adopted)

TO AMEND TITLE 14 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE (BMC) ENTITLED "PEACE AND SAFETY" (Deleting Section 14.36.130 through 150 [Stench Bombs] and Amending Section 14.36.160 [Fencing Around Swimming Pools and Other Water-Filled Excavations])

This ordinance amends Title 14 of local code entitled "Peace and Safety." First, it deleted BMC Sections 14.36.130 through 14.36.150, which regulate stench bombs, in their entirety. Second, it amends Section 14.36.160, which requires fences adjacent to any body of water with a depth exceeding thirty-six inches. The amendments tie the requirements for fencing around pools to those found in the Indiana Administrative Code, but remove requirements for fencing around other water-filled excavations.

  • Collective Bargaining Agreement
Amends CodeYes
Committee 4/12/2017 Recommend Do Pass 7-0 (Mayer, Piedmont-Smith absent)
Final 4/19/2017 Passed 7-0-1 (Sturbaum) (Mayer absent)