
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2015 Ordinance 15-04 (Passed)

TO AMEND TITLE 7 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "ANIMALS" Re: Making Various Housekeeping Changes, Creating Three Classifications of “Potentially Dangerous” Animals, Adding New Disclosure Requirements, Putting Additional Restrictions on the Practice of Tethering, Adding New Anti-Cruelty Provisions, Creating a New Violation of “Habitual Offender,” and Other Changes

The primary purpose of this ordinance is to streamline Title 7 so that it is more reader friendly, easier for staff to use, and more consistent with other titles in the municipal code. Examples of the streamlining attempt include creating one Chapter to handle all of the Titles fees; creating one Enforcement Chapter; and removing the regulations for potentially dangerous and vicious dogs from the Restraint Chapter and putting them into their own Chapter. Substantive changes include the following: adding three levels to the classification of potentially dangerous; clarifying what reptiles cannot be owned in Bloomington; adding language that requires permitees and breeders to disclose if they have ever been cited for an animal care or control ordinance violation; modifying the definition of a vicious animal; making it unlawful for a person to torture or beat an animal if it causes the animal pain (and not just injury as currently required); adding new tethering requirements; and creating a new violation entitled "Habitual Offender".

  • Approve Purchase- Cascades
Amends CodeYes
Committee 4/1/2015 8-0
Final 4/8/2015 Passed 9-0