
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2015 Resolution 15-03 (Passed)

TO APPROVE AND ISSUE THE PLAN COMMISSION ORDER FOUND IN PLAN COMMISSION RESOLUTION 15-01 - Re: Taking Steps to Authorize the Bloomington Redevelopment Commission to Extend, Expand, and Consolidate Five of the City’s Six Economic Development Areas

Resolution 15-03 takes the steps necessary by the Common Council for Bloomington Redevelopment Commission to pursue the extension, enlargement, and consolidation of five of the City's six Economic Development Areas (EDAs). The relevant history is as follows:

On February 2, 2015, the Bloomington Redevelopment Commission adopted Resolution 15-05 (“Declaratory Resolution”) which: 1. Extended the allocation provisions of the Adams Crossing Economic Development Area, Downtown Redevelopment Project Area, Tapp Road Economic Development Area, Thomson Economic Development Area, Walnut-Winslow Economic Development Area, and Whitehall-West Third Street Economic Development Area, 2. Recharacterized the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area as an Economic Development Area, 3. Created new Economic Development Areas within the City (“Exploration Areas”), 4. Consolidated the Adams Crossing Economic Development Area, Downtown Economic Development Area, Tapp Road Economic Development Area, Thomson Economic Development Area, Walnut-Winslow Economic Development Area, Whitehall-West Third Street Economic Development Area, and the Exploration Areas into the Bloomington Consolidated Economic Development Area (“Bloomington Consolidated Area”), 5. Approved an Economic Development Plan for the Bloomington Consolidated Area (the “Consolidated Plan”), and 6. Submitted the Declaratory Resolution and all supporting data to the Plan Commission for its review.

On February 9, 2015, after conducting that review in accordance with Indiana Code § 36-7-14-16(a), the Plan Commission found that the Declaratory Resolution and the Consolidated Plan were consistent with the Growth Policies Plan, and issued an Order—found in Plan Commission Resolution 15-01—stating as such.

As required by Indiana Code § 36-7-14-16(b), this Council resolution approves and issues the Order found in Plan Commission Resolution 15-01 (with said Order being attached to the Council resolution).

Amends CodeNo
Committee 2/25/2015 7-0-2 (Rollo, Ruff)
Final 3/4/2015 Passed 7-1 (Ruff)-0 (Spechler absent)