
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2017 Ordinance 17-24 (Adopted)

TO AMEND TITLE 15 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE (BMC) ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC" - Re: Deleting and Replacing BMC Chapter 15.36 (Residential Only Parking Permits)

This ordinance renames the Resident-Only Parking Permit program as the Reserved Residential On-Street Parking Permit program. It modifies the program to focus on the needs of people with disabilities, helping them age in place when the lack of adequate off-street parking makes that difficult if not impossible without a reserved space. It increases the annual fees to help defray the City's costs to implement the program and requires annual applications to ensure compliance with current requirements.

Note: The procedural history of this ordinance was longer and more complex than usual. Ord 17-24 was introduced at a Regular Session on May 17, 2017, discussed at a Committee of the Whole on May 2th, and after discussion, at the Regular Session on May 31st was postponed until the Regular Session on August 9th. The ordinance introduced and discussed in May would have deleted BMC 15.36 (Resident-Only Parking Permit Program). However, the Council Legislative Packet for the Regular Session on August 9th included an Amendment by Substitution submitted by the Administration, which proposed a narrowing, but not deletion of this chapter. Due to the late hour, Ord 17-24 was not introduced on August 9th and was taken up by the Council at the Regular Session on August 23rd.

At the August 23rd Regular Session, the Council adopted Am 01 (the Amendment by Substitution as amended by Am 1 (or A) and Am 3 (or C) which are briefly noted below: - Am 1 (or A) to the Amendment by Substitution amended BMC 15.36.020 (Eligibility), BMC 15.36.060 (Issuance and revocation of permits), BMC 15.36.080 (Expiration of Permits, and BMC 15.36.090 (Disposition of revenue; and - Am 3 (or C) to the Amendment by Substitution further amended BMC 15.36.060 (Issuance and revocation of permits)

  • Position
Amends CodeYes
Committee 5/24/2017 0-7-1 (Ruff) (Chopra out of room)
Final 8/23/2017 Passed 8-0-1 (Chopra)