
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2013 Ordinance 13-03

TO AMEND TITLE 15 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED “VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC”-Re: Authorizing the Expanded Use of Parking Meters in the Downtown and Related Changes

2013 Amendment 01 (Adopted)

Amendment 01

This amendment is sponsored by Councilmembers Neher, Volan, Granger, Mayer, Spechler and Sturbaum. It amends Ordinance 13-03 by making changes to the Bloomington Municipal Code and by outlining policy priorities. The amendment: • shifts the currently-metered parking spaces in three City parking lots and two garages to free, three-hour parking during the day; • provides for on-street parking at a rate of $0.25 per fifteen minutes; • lowers the cost of a non-reserved part-time permit in the City garages from $32.50 to $25.00; • provides for a tiered parking fine structure for Class D violations wherein the first ticket received within a twelve-month period is $20, escalating to $40 the second ticket received within a twelve-month period is $40, escalating to $80 and all subsequent fines received within twelve-month period are $100; • requires the City to retain a consultant to conduct a follow-up study of Downtown metering no later than 15 months after the installation of parking meters; and • adds two “whereas” clauses that express the City’s intent to begin measures to improve the cleanliness, lighting and safety of the garages Commission.

Amends CodeNo
Final 3/20/2013 Adopted 6-3 (Ruff, Sandberg, Rollo)