
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2010 Ordinance 10-03 (Passed)

An Ordinance Concerning the Current Refunding by the City of Bloomington, Indiana, of Its Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 1999, Series A; Authorizing the Issuance of Sewage Works Refunding Revenue Bonds for Such Purpose; Providing for the Collection, Segregation and Distribution of the Revenues of the Sewage Works and the Safeguarding of the Interests of the Owners of Said Sewage Works Refunding Revenue Bonds; Other Matters Connected Therewith; and Repealing Ordinances Inconsistent Herewith

This Ordinance approves the issuance and sale of refunding revenue bonds by the City and on behalf of the City of Bloomington to refund its 1999 Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 1999, Series A. The purpose is to provide a savings to the City through a reduction in interest payments on the bonds.

Amends CodeNo
Committee 1/6/2010 Ayes: 7, Nays: 0, Abstain: 1 (Piedmont- Smith)
Final 1/20/2010 Passed 9-0-0