
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2010 Ordinance 10-14 (Passed)

To Amend Title 2 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled “Administration and Personnel” Re: Amending BMC 2.04.380 (Order of Business for Regular Sessions)

This ordinance amends BMC 2.04.380 entitled “Order of Business,” which sets forth the order of items on the Council’s Regular Session agenda. It implements recommendations made in the Report of the Rules Committee adopted by the Council on August 4, 2010 and also recommendations made by staff after reviewing the current section. In general, these changes reflect existing practices, many of which were adopted by the Council through Reports from the Rules Committee. One change is new and would allow speakers who wish to make a Report from the Public only one opportunity to address the Council rather than two. It was proposed in order to avoid repetition and to help shorten the length of the meetings.

Amends CodeYes
Committee 9/15/2010 9-0
Final 9/23/2010 Passed 8-0 Ruff absent