
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2010 Appropriation Ordinance 10-05 (Passed)

To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Parking Enforcement Fund, Sanitation Fund, Telecom Fund, Fire Pension Fund, Risk Management Fund, and Bond Funds Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Various Transfers of Funds within the General Fund, Parking Enforcement Fund, Sanitation Fund, and Telecom Fund for Animal Care & Control, Engineering, Police, Housing & Neighborhood Development, Community & Family Resources, City Council, Parking Enforcement, Sanitation, Street, Information & Technology Services; Appropriating Additional Funds from the Fire Pension Fund, Risk Management Fund, and Bond Funds)

This ordinance appropriates various transfers of funds within the General Fund, Parking Enforcement Fund, Sanitation Fund, and Telecom Fund. It also appropriates additional funds from the Fire Pension Fund, Risk Management Fund, and Bond Funds.

Note this ordinance was revised after it was distributed in the Council Legislative Packet and before it was introduced at the Regular Session on December 1, 2010. The revision corrected a typographical error regarding the transfer of General Fund monies for the Community and Family Resources Department so that it is clear that the money would go from Line 5242 to Line 5399.

Amends CodeNo
Committee 12/1/2010 8-0-1 (Wisler)
Final 12/8/2010 Passed 9-0