
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2017 Resolution 17-33 (Adopted)

Opposing Attacks on Our Health Benefits

This resolution is sponsored by Councilmembers Ruff, Sandberg, and Sturbaum at the request of the White River Chapter of the Southern Indiana Regional Labor Council, AFL-CIO. The resolution documents the importance of comprehensive health benefits for all Americans, the critical role played by the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid Expansion, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The resolution opposes all attacks on health legislation, including legislation that turns Medicare into a voucher system; increases the Medicare eligibility age beyond 65; imposes new taxes on or otherwise threatens the health benefits working people earn on the job; repeals the Affordable Care Act without a sufficient replacement maintaining key protections; repeals the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid benefits to millions of people; or blocks grants or imposes a per capita cap on federal funding for Medicaid. The resolution calls upon members of Congress to support a universal, comprehensive, single-payer system of health care and calls upon the City Clerk to send a copy of the resolution to Bloomington’s Congressional delegation.

Amends CodeNo
Final 9/6/2017 pass 9-0