
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2018 Ordinance 18-10 (Adopted)

To Amend Title 2 of the Bloomington Municipal Code (BMC) Entitled “Administration and Personnel” (Inserting BMC 2.26.200 to Provide for Additional Council Oversight of Intra-Category Transfers of $100,000 or More within Certain Funds; Inserting BMC 2.26.205 to Require Submittal and Approval of Capital Plans Associated with Such Funds for the Applicable Year and Council Review of Capital-Related Expenditures of $100,000 or More Not Identified in those Plans; and, Inserting BMC 2.26.210 to Require that Certain Other Expenditures in Such Funds of $100,000 or More be Identified and, if Not Previously Identified, then be Reviewed by the Council)

This ordinance is sponsored by Council President Granger and Council Vice President Piedmont- Smith. It would amend Chapter 26 (Controller’s Office) of Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) of the Bloomington Municipal Code (BMC) by adding three sections. The first is Section 2.26.200, which would require additional Council review of certain intra-category transfers within certain appropriated funds. The second is Section 2.26.205, which would require submittal and approval by the Council of capital plans for the applicable year associated with above-mentioned appropriated funds. The third is Section 2.26.210, which would require that certain expenditures of at least $100,000 be identified to the Council as part of an appropriation ordinance and that the Council review certain of those not previously-identified expenditures in advance of their payment.

Amends CodeYes
Final 12/19/2018 pass 9-0