
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2019 Ordinance 19-04 (Adopted)

A Ordinance to Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled "Historic Preservation and Protection" to Establish a Historic District - Re: 1175 S. Smith Road Historic District (The Harvey-Nelson House) (James and Sally Harvey, Petitioner)

This ordinance amends Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code (BMC) entitled "Historic Preservation and Protection" in order to designate "The Harvey-Nelson House - 1175 S. Smith Road" as a historic district. James and Sally Harvey sought this action and, after a public hearing on December 14, 2018, the Historic Preservation Commission ("Commission") recommended that the structures be designated historic with a rating as "Contributing" based upon certain historical and architectural criteria set forth in Chapter 8.08 of the BMC entitled "Historic Districts, Conservation Districts, and Standards." Historic designation of a property under Title 8 provides for the Commission or staff to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness before conspicuous changes to the exterior of sites and structures may be made and, thereby, helps assure that the historic significance of properties is preserved.

Amends CodeYes
Final 1/16/2019 pass 9-0