
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2019 Resolution 19-03 (Adopted)

To Extend the Designation of an Economic Revitalization Area, Approve the Statements of Benefits, and Authorize A Period of Abatement for Real and Personal Property Improvements – Re: Properties at 1300 S Patterson Drive (Catalent Indiana, LLC, Petitioner)

This resolution extends the Economic Revitalization Area (ERA) designation of a parcel owned by Catalent Indiana, LLC and known as 1300 S. Patterson Drive. This designation extension was recommended by the Economic Development Commission and will enable the expansion of Catalent’s packaging, vial filling, and syringe filling capacity, creating additional jobs within the City. The resolution also authorizes a ten-year period of abatement for certain personal and real property improvements at 1300 S. Patterson Drive and sets the same abatement schedule for both real and personal property. The resolution also declares the intent of the Council to hold a public hearing on March 6, 2019 to hear public comment on the ERA designation.

Amends CodeNo
Final 2/13/2019 pass 6-3 (Ruff, Chopra, Granger)