
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2019 Ordinance 19-02 (Adopted)

To Amend Title 10 Of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled “Wastewater” (Stormwater Rate Adjustment)

This ordinance amends Title 10 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, entitled “Wastewater”, by amending Section 10.08.045 in two ways: First, this ordinance amends Section 10.08.045 by increasing the stormwater fee from $2.70 to $5.95, in two phases, to allow for appropriate funding of necessary improvements to the stormwater system which includes phase two of the Jordan River Culvert project, implementation of a neighborhood stormwater improvement program, and implementation of a green initiative for installation of various green stormwater structures throughout the City. Second, this ordinance amends Section 10.08.045 to better define application of the fee through a clearer definition of the single family residential base fee and through a more accurate representation of the formula used to calculate the fee for all non-single family residential users.

Amends CodeYes
Final 2/20/2019 pass 6-0 (Chopra, Volan, Sims absent)