
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2019 Ordinance 19-06 (Adopted)

Amending Title 15 of the Bloomington Municipal Code – Re: Reducing Fees for Law Enforcement Recordings and Bringing Said Fees into Compliance with State Law

This revision to Title 15 lowers the fees charged to members of the public who request law enforcement recordings and brings the fee structure into line with State law. At present, Title 15 directs the Police Department to charge a flat fee of $150 for every law enforcement recording it produces. However, the Indiana Public Access Counselor has clarified that municipalities may only charge the “direct cost” of providing a law enforcement recording, that said costs may not exceed $150, and that a flat fee is not permitted.

Amends CodeYes
Final 2/20/2019 pass 6-0 (Chopra, Volan, Sims absent)