
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2019 Resolution 19-07 (Adopted)

Calling For the Rejection of Senate Bill 613

This resolution is sponsored by Councilmembers Piedmont-Smith and Granger and opposed Senate Bill 613. The resolution documents the predatory and exploitative nature of the bill and its impact on low-income communities. The resolution calls for the Indiana General Assembly to first engage in a study of the credit access and leading practice needs of low-income communities before making such a wide-sweeping law change. The resolution also calls for the Bloomington City Clerk to send a copy of this resolution to members of the Indiana General Assembly representing Bloomington, to the Chair of the Committee on Financial Institutions in the Indiana House, and to the Governor of Indiana.

Amends CodeNo
Final 4/3/2019 pass 8-0 (Chopra absent)