
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2019 Ordinance 19-09 (Adopted)

To Amend Title 15 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled “Vehicles and Traffic” – Re Amending Chapter 15.04 (Definitions), 15.56 (Bicycles, Skateboards, and Other Foot-Propelled Vehicles), 15.60 (Miscellaneous Traffic Rules), 15.64 (Traffic Violations Schedule) and Adding a New Chapter 15.58 (Motorized Scooters and Shared Use Motorized Scooters) to Provide for Regulations Governing Motorized Scooters, Shared-Use Motorized Scooters, and Shared-Use Motorized Scooter Operators

Ordinance 19-09 establishes regulations governing motorized scooters and entities that rent motorized scooters to the public. The ordinance requires safe scooter use by setting a top permitted scooter speed of fifteen miles per hour, prohibiting double-riding, establishing eighteen as the minimum age to rent a scooter, and mandating that scooters be maintained in a safe condition. Ordinance 19-09 clarifies that motorized scooters, like bicycles, may be used on sidewalks except in dismount zones. In most places, motorized scooter parking is permitted on sidewalks, provided that the scooter does not restrict minimum straight clear passage to less than 54 inches and does not otherwise block a facility. The ordinance establishes penalties for violations by motorized scooter users and entities that rent scooters to the public, up to and including impoundment and disposal of scooters.

Note: See descriptions of adopted amendments on last page of ordinance.

Amends CodeYes
Final 7/31/2019 pass 7-1 (Chopra) (Rollo absent)