
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2019 Ordinance 19-15 (Adopted)

An Ordinance Authorizing the Refunding of Certain Outstanding Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of the City; Authorizing the Issuance of the City of Bloomington, Indiana Sewage Works Refunding Revenue Bonds of 2019 to Provide Funds for such Refunding and the Payment of the Costs Thereof; and Addressing Other Matters Connected Therewith

This ordinance authorizes the City of Bloomington to issue its Sewage Works Refunding Revenue Bonds of 2019 in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $7,650,000. The 2019 bonds will be issued to refund the City’s currently outstanding Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2004, Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2006, Series B, and Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2006, Series C, all of the purpose of obtaining lower interest costs and a reduction of debt service payments on such outstanding bonds, thereby achieving significant savings for the City.

Amends CodeNo
Final 9/18/2019 pass 8-0 (Sturbaum out of room)