
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2008 Resolution 08-10 (Passed)


This resolution cites the Bush Administration’s direction to draft plans for a major U.S. bombing campaign against Iran and points out the economic, political and military imprudence of an attack. The resolution highlights Iran’s key role as a negotiator of Iraqi sectarian violence – an essential component of an orderly withdraw of U.S. forces from Iraq. The resolution maintains that a war with Iran further compromises global economic and political stability and will cause greater local losses, both in the number of Bloomington residents serving in the armed services and the further diversion of much- needed social service and other local funds to an unwarranted military act. The resolution calls upon the U.S. Congress to: promote negotiations between the U.S. and Iran; pass legislation prohibiting the use of funds to attack Iran; make clear that its 2002 Congressional Resolution authorizing an attack on Iraq does not extend to Iran; discourage an attack on Iran by any U.S. ally as well as any U.S. support of an allied attack; insure that information provided by the Administration to the public is accurate; an authority over the executive. The resolution also calls upon the President of the United States to refrain from any military attack on Iran and from logistical support for such action by a U.S. ally.; Finally, the resolution calls upon the Bloomington City Clerk to send this legislation to the Indiana Congressional Delegation and the President of the United States.

Amends CodeNo
Final 8/6/2008 Passed 7-1 (Satterfield) Wisler left meeting before this discussion