
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2006 Ordinance 06-10 (Passed)

TO AMEND TITLE 10 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "WASTEWATER" Re: Addition of Chapter 10.20 Prohibiting Illicit Stormwater Connection and Discharge

The Federal Stormwater Phase II NPDES permit program administered by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management includes requirements for management of stormwater run-off associated with municipal separate sewer system ("MS4") conveyances. This ordinance brings the City of Bloomington into compliance with the rquirements of 327 IAC 15-13-14 regarding enactment of an ordinance prohibiting illicit connections and dishcharges into the stormwater conveyance system and the establishment of appropriate enforcement procedures and actions.

Amends CodeYes
Committee 6/28/2006 8-0 (Volan absent)
Final 7/5/2006 Passed 9-0