
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 73-20 (Passed) download

Resolution 73-20 A Resolution Committing the City of Bloomington to Meet the Federal Guidelines for Equitable Recovery of Industrial Waste Treatment Costs and Regulating Discharges into the Sewer System as Necessary to Comply with Federal and State Guidelines

Resolution 73-19 (Passed) download

Resolution 73-19 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of Bloomington, Indiana to Apply for Assistance from the State of Indiana and the United States of America to expand the Sewage Waste Treatment and Collection System of the City of Bloomington

Resolution 73-17 (Passed) download

Resolution 73-17 A Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the Environmental Quality and Conservation Commission and Supporting the Passage of House Bill 1714, Which Provides for the Protection of Reservoir Shorelines

Resolution 73-16 (Passed) download

Resolution 73-16 A Resolution Giving Full Support to Learning Disabilities Week, and Encouraging Residents of Bloomington and the Surrounding Community to Support Learning Disabilities Week and the Activities of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities

Resolution 73-15 (Passed) download

Resolution 73-15 A Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the Environmental Quality and Conservation Commission and Supporting the Passage of House Bill 1158, Which Provides for the Abatement of Property Taxes on Structures of Historical or Architectural Merit

Resolution 73-14 (Passed) download

Resolution 73-14 A Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the Environmental Quality and Conversation Commission and Supporting the Passage of House Bill 1097, Which Provides for the Creation of a State Historic Preservation Agency

Appropriation Ordinance 73-13 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 73-13 An Ordinance Adopting a Budget for the Operation, Maintenance, Debt Service, and Capital Improvements for the Water and Sewer Utility Department of the City of Bloomington, Indiana 

Resolution 73-12 (Passed) download

Resolution 73-12 A Resolution Acknowledging the Recommendations of the Sidewalk Task Force Report and Encouraging Interested Citizens to Initiate Action

Appropriation Ordinance 73-12 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 73-12 An Ordinance Especially Appropriating from the Parks & Recreation Department of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, Funds Not Otherwise Appropriated to Meet the Extraordinary Emergency Found to Exist in Said Fund