
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Ordinance 72-09 (Passed) download

Ordinance 72-09 An Ordinance to Amend Section 2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bloomington, Entitled "An Ordinance Creating the Bloomington-Monroe Drug Control Commission and the Bloomington-Monroe Drug Control Advisory Committee"

Resolution 72-09 (Passed) download

Resolution 72-09 Investment of Funds ‡Special Water Construction Account ($300,000) to Mature May 17, 1972, Sewage Works Sinking Fund ($400,000) to Mature July 15, 1972, Water Bond and Interest Fund ($400,000) to Mature June 15, 1972, Sewage Works Construction Fund ($50,000) to Mature March 30, 1972

Resolution 72-08 (Passed) download

Resolution 72-08 A Resolution to Urge the General Assembly of the State of Indiana to Pass the Senate Version of the Responsibility Act of 1972

Ordinance 72-07 (Passed) download

Ordinance 72-07 An Ordinance Prohibiting the Abandonment of Vehicles; Restricting the Disposition or Keeping of Wrecked, Non-Operating, or Discarded Vehicles on Street or Private Property; Providing for Impounding and Disposal of Certain Vehicles; Imposing Penalties; and Creating a Fund for the Purpose of Implementing the Provisions of this Ordinance 

Appropriation Ordinance 72-07 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 72-07 An Ordinance Especially Appropriating from the Local Road and Street Fund of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, Not Otherwise Appropriated, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Said Fund 

Ordinance 72-06 (Passed) download

Ordinance 72-06 An Ordinance to Amend Title 15 Entitled, "Vehicles and Traffic" by Amending Section 15.64.410 Entitled, "No Parking Zones" and Section 15.76.010 Entitled, "Stop Intersections"

Appropriation Ordinance 72-06 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 72-06 An Ordinance Specially Appropriating from the General Fund and Special Funds, Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Various Departments

Ordinance 72-05 (Passed) download

Ordinance 72-05 An Ordinance to Amend Section 2 of Ordinance No. 71-39 Creating a Commission on Environmental Quality and Conservation

Resolution 72-04 (Passed) download

Resolution 72-04 Transfer of Funds From Water Bond & Interest Fund ($400,000) to General Fund and from Water Bond & Interest Fund ($125,000) to Park & Recreation Fund