6/23/1998 05:00:00 Closed by Anonymous
[data cleanup] Closing date was missing and has been provided by the system as a best guess
Phone Call: This is an area that the Engineering Dept. has received several calls on since the intersection of N. Adams Street and W. Vernal Pike was improved. This was a Redevelopment Project that was done approximately 2-3 years ago. I let Bob Woolford, HAND, know about the complaint. He was over the project. The residents complain that the water does not run-off since the work was done. The water stands at the intersection.
[data cleanup] Closing date was missing and has been provided by the system as a best guess
City | Bloomington |
State | IN |
Zip | 47404 |
Latitude | 39.169841766357 |
Longitude | -86.549430847168 |
Township | Bloomington |
Status | Case Date | Category | |
closed | 2/28/2024 | Street & Traffic Signs | |
closed | 1/11/2023 | Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris) | |
closed | 1/5/2023 | Trash | |
closed | 1/4/2023 | Trash | |
closed | 1/6/1998 | Trash |