
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #124760

Website & Web Services Feedback: Request

Love the idea. Very easy to use. Awesome that pictures can be uploaded. When exploring the "choose location" option it submitted a report without my meaning to also I cannot scroll to see what I am typing in the text box... Had to hit return to see... For choose location options, drop downs (ex. Of parks, trails, things where there are few categories) might be nice rather than the map. Okay, now I am able to scroll down via touch for some reason. Hmmm.... Anyway, I really like this! I had no idea people could report so many things.

Assigned to
Alan Schertz

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 2 days, although some cases may be longer. 215 days have already passed.


8/13/2012 08:40:19 Closed by Alan Schertz

1/10/2012 12:42:35 Anonymous assigned this case to Alan Schertz