
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #128301

City Performance:

When I try to submit my message, I receive the following error: No that's wrong endpoints/open311ServerUnReachable. I am trying to submit it again. Message: I have tried to be patient and have quelled the white hot rage of frustration I've felt so many times this summer. I've NOT written at least a dozen times but after spending another morning trying to get to where I NEED to be and having every street blocked off or torn up I am going to express my displeasure. I truly view the managing of this latest street project to be irresponsible. It's one thing to be good stewards of the region's resources but it is another thing entirely to cock up the city so badly that no one can get from point A to point B and to disrupt lives for such an extended period of time. Furthermore, do you know what contributes most to depression? Randomness and uncontrollability. I feel like a dog in a learned-helplessness experiment that won't end. If you absolutely had to bring the city to a halt, could you not have mitigated it by warning us, not with some 3 line blurb in the paper which many of us don't read but loudly and profusely? It should be on every billboard in town. There should be a countdown on the city square telling people when the randomness will end. There should be huge warning signs everywhere saying "WARNING: This street will be closed from this time to that." Why aren't there policemen at 4-way stops during high traffic times? Why aren't there alternate routes? If you have so damned much extra money to tear up the city then sacrifice a street or two and use the money to minimize the sense of futility. Not everyone can add an extra 20 minutes to each trip they need to make. With a little information you could have turned it into a positive instead of a negative. Many of us are dealing with life and death situations on a daily basis. Many of us have stress-filled situations with young children, elderly parents, and jobs. Our schedules are tight and our lives are stretched thin. We're not thinking communally, we're surviving. At least with information we could plan around these wonderful improvements if not celebrate the "progress". And, to further show that I'm not a total idiot, I will concede that I know nothing about what it takes to run a city. I have no idea what challenges you are facing. Maybe all my ideas are stupid from a more informed perspective but I'm trying to give you a sense of what it feels like out here in the field. This is what John Doe trying to scrape by in his every day life is feeling. There is a limbic-gut-lizard-brain unreasoned urge to first, bite my steering wheel in half and second, to vote every government official possible out of office in the next election because they are either uncaring bastards or irresponsible dolts. This pain has been going on long enough and reinforced so intensely that it is emotionally encoded in my brain. I will have to fight against the urge the next time I vote. You really don't want people blindly voting just to get you out of office. There is enough blind voting going on as it is. If this insanity is going to last much longer, tell us. Do something, please. Thank you, Don Harris


10/4/2012 14:07:36 Closed by Anonymous

10/4/2012 14:03:55 Anonymous contacted Anonymous

Gave the mayor a copy of his message.

10/4/2012 14:03:15 Anonymous contacted Anonymous

Taken under advisement.

8/30/2012 10:00:12 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

8/30/2012 10:00:12 Opened by Anonymous