
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #130193

Website & Web Services Feedback:

Some of the information displayed on your website about Area 10 Agency on Aging needs to be updated. The address is 631 W. Edgewood Dr., please remove Owen & Lawrence county phone numbers, remove Judy Allensworth information including her phone number and email, and correct our website address, which is www.area10agency.org. Thank you, Jeni Waters Office & Technology Manager Area 10 Agency on Aging

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 2 days, although some cases may be longer. 0 days have already passed.


1/7/2013 15:40:10 Closed by Anonymous

Forwarding to CFRD

1/7/2013 15:34:10 Alan Schertz assigned this case to Anonymous

Can you forward this accordingly? Thanks

1/7/2013 15:24:54 Anonymous assigned this case to Alan Schertz

1/7/2013 15:24:54 Opened by Anonymous