
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #134358


Other: A gallon bucket of pink paint was thrown on the entrance door of the Knights of Columbus Hall located on the NE corner of 4th St. and So. Walnut. Door is located at the lower level of the building on the 4th street side.

Are you a property owner/manager
Graffiti is on
Private Property
Is this area constantly plagued by graffiti?
Would you like to be contacted


See all thumbnails
5241ec8eefde3 9/24/2013
5241eca087fb3 9/24/2013
5241ecb2dfe3c 9/24/2013

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 7 days, although some cases may be longer. 1 days have already passed.


9/24/2013 15:52:50 Closed by Anonymous

this has been resolved and case closed

9/24/2013 15:52:15 Anonymous followed up on this ticket

this graffiti was removed and i have contacted owner

9/24/2013 14:21:16 Waiver to sign off on work on a property

spoke with owner and got waiver signed

9/24/2013 06:57:50 mike stienston assigned this case to Anonymous

Bill check this out and schedule for removal

9/23/2013 11:48:24 Anonymous assigned this case to mike stienston

9/23/2013 11:48:24 Opened by Anonymous