
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #134816


Other: 938 N. Walnut

Assigned to
Barry Wallock
Are you a property owner/manager
Graffiti is on
Private Property, Business
Is this area constantly plagued by graffiti?
If so, is it always the same kind of graffiti (political, idealogical, offensive, tags, etc?)
There is graffiti on the end of our brick building. There is always graffiti under the bridge area as well and many of the buildings in this area. Currently, there is a cooler and trash from the people who sleep under the bridge.
Would you like to be contacted

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 7 days, although some cases may be longer. 2 days have already passed.


10/19/2013 13:04:39 Closed by Barry Wallock

graffiti removed

10/17/2013 13:02:16 Waiver to sign off on work on a property

graffiti removed

10/17/2013 11:06:21 Barry Wallock inspected this Location

dropped off waiver. waiting for response.

10/17/2013 11:04:05 Barry Wallock contacted Anonymous

drop off a release form to the elkwood property management office. waiting for response . 10/17 /2013

10/17/2013 05:56:36 mike stienston assigned this case to Barry Wallock

Barry please check this out and let me know

10/16/2013 16:17:07 Anonymous assigned this case to mike stienston

10/16/2013 16:17:07 Opened by Anonymous