
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #137659


Other: Kirkwood & Adams

Assigned to
Matthew Swinney
Are you a property owner/manager
Graffiti is on
Private Property
Is this area constantly plagued by graffiti?
Would you like to be contacted


See all thumbnails
536265d119ce3 5/1/2014

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 7 days, although some cases may be longer. 6 days have already passed.


5/7/2014 15:28:15 Closed by Matthew Swinney

Unable to contact owner. If he contacts us we will open a new case.

5/5/2014 12:54:47 Matthew Swinney followed up on this ticket

Talked to someone who rents space in this building. He is going to get my contact info to Matt Murphy.

5/2/2014 14:00:34 Matthew Swinney followed up on this ticket

Looked property up on GIS. Attempting to contact owner.

5/2/2014 07:31:24 Matthew Swinney assigned this case to Matthew Swinney

5/1/2014 11:18:40 Anonymous assigned this case to mike stienston

5/1/2014 11:18:40 Opened by Anonymous