
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #137780


Other: Grafitti is behind Tracks on Kirkwood and Bloomingfoods down the alley, between and on both buildings

Assigned to
Matthew Swinney
Are you a property owner/manager
Graffiti is on
Private Property
Is this area constantly plagued by graffiti?
If so, is it always the same kind of graffiti (political, idealogical, offensive, tags, etc?)
Would you like to be contacted


See all thumbnails
5384eb9331ea1 5/27/2014
5384ebaa5276a 5/27/2014
5384ebc982bd0 5/27/2014
5384ebe1cd6f5 5/27/2014

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 7 days, although some cases may be longer. 21 days have already passed.


5/27/2014 15:52:49 Closed by Matthew Swinney

Graffiti was removed with pressure washer and chemicals. Store manager has been notified of completed job.

5/27/2014 15:51:57 Waiver to sign off on work on a property

5/20/2014 12:31:11 Matthew Swinney followed up on this ticket

Set meeting for 2pm on Thursday the 22nd.

5/19/2014 07:43:47 Matthew Swinney followed up on this ticket

Emailed Joshua to set up a time to meet.

5/19/2014 07:15:40 Matthew Swinney assigned this case to Matthew Swinney

5/6/2014 15:16:18 Anonymous assigned this case to mike stienston

5/6/2014 15:16:18 Opened by Anonymous