
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #138593

Traffic Suggestions:

Other: Hello, I have lived at 410 West Dodds Street, between Rogers and Madison since 2001. I'm very happy here and would like to stay in this neighborhood. My mom lives at 302 West Dodds. One thing that has always been a concern to me and my family on this street how fast people drive on it. For some reason they they use the area between the B-line crossing and Rogers to step hard on the gas. I've emailed with the Mayor a few times over the years about this and have called the police a few times. Police driving by more often a few times does not help. With the new businesses on this street and the increased foot traffic (that I'm happy about) safety is becoming even more of a concern. Finally, my suggestion: Will you please direct me to the process of applying for speed bumps on this street? It would be much safer. I guarantee that most people in my neighborhood would vote for it. Thanks for your time

Complaint Type


6/18/2014 10:46:19 Closed by Anonymous

email sent to Mr. Bennett explaining the process for requesting traffic calming.

6/12/2014 09:22:13 Danna Workman assigned this case to Anonymous

6/12/2014 09:18:05 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman

6/12/2014 09:18:05 Opened by Anonymous

398 West Dodds Street


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