
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #138919

Drainage or Runoff: Question

Phone Call: Lisa left a voice message indicating Jaymar is the property manager for Sunflower Gardens HOA, just south of Summit Elementary School. They have a drainage ditch that's concrete and runs through their subdivision and with the bigger rains, it is spilling over and it happens so consistently. She wants the city to revisit it because when the subdivision was built it was part of the engineering process to figure out the size of the drainage ditch to be constructed. Linda Thompson in Planning told her to get with me or Phil because the water is spilling out and not contained by the ditch.

Assigned to
Jane Fleig


7/30/2014 15:34:07 Closed by Jane Fleig

This is a private property issue but the city may try to help by providing GIS information if they request it.

7/30/2014 15:32:41 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

I called Lisa and reiterated that the city is not responsible and the HOA may want to try and hire an engineer to redesign the swale. I told her we could help by providing our GIS mapping to an engineer and may be able to help with drainage calculations if necessary. She is going to talk to the HOA and see how they want to proceed.

7/29/2014 15:30:12 Jane Fleig inspected this Location

I met with Lisa and several members of the HOA and walked the drainage swale. There was a lot of evidence of how high the water had gotten because of the debris. They also showed me a video of the storm event earlier in July (not Sunday's). There is a tremendous amount of water that flows through this ditch and it is clear it was not constructed with enough capacity to contain the flow. They wanted to know if the city would fix it or help fix it because the city approved the construction plans. I explained that the concrete channel was not on the plans that were reviewed by the city. What I could find showed a more defined earth swale. I said it appeared to me that maybe the sanitary sewer line may not have been installed in exactly the correct location and this may have affected the ability to build a proper swale. I explained that even though there is a drainage easement, this only sets aside the area for runoff and puts the property owners on notice. It does not make the city responsible. I told them I would bounce things off Phil P and see if we could suggest some things and get back with them.

7/28/2014 13:47:56 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

Received a call from Lisa today asking to schedule a meeting this week because they got a lot more damage with this weekend's rain. We are meeting tomorrow at 10am.

7/25/2014 10:44:24 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

I still have not heard anything back from Ms Siscoe about a proposed meeting time.

7/1/2014 14:01:16 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

I have not heard anything back from Ms Siscoe about a proposed meeting time.

6/25/2014 12:44:09 Jane Fleig followed up on this ticket

I called and spoke with Lisa and explained I cannot find any record of the city being involved with the concrete ditch. The grading plans and the drainage calculations we had do not indicate a concrete ditch in this area so I believe this was something the developer chose to do. She would like to meet me out there with some of the property owners and see if I can give them some advice on the issue. I gave her some available times next week and she is supposed to get back with me.

6/25/2014 12:41:58 Jane Fleig assigned this case to Jane Fleig

6/25/2014 12:41:58 Opened by Jane Fleig

S Sunflower DR


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