
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #141444

City Performance:

Other: A Cedar tree needs to be removed. I contacted the city forester a couple of years ago (and got an affirmative reply from him) to put this action on a waiting list. I called once again a number of months ago and did not receive any reply. The tree, which I believe is on city property, is growing into the power lines and is interfering with the street light on the electrical pole. I believe it might also be a vector for diseases of pine trees in the area. Thank you very much. Glenn Gero 8122728918


Manage Attachments
542736f61a1ba 9/27/2014


9/30/2014 10:25:52 Closed by Anonymous

I am responding to your comment received through the City's on-line citizen comment system regarding a cedar tree that needs to be removed. I forwarded your comment to our Urban Forester, Lee Huss. Our urban forestry staff (of 2) have been overwhelmed the past couple of years with trees that have been damaged from recent droughts and pest infestations. He is aware of your tree and another tree nearby on E. Hunter and it remains on his list of trees to be removed. However, for the remainder of 2014, he and his staff will be addressing hazardous trees, and your tree will likely not be slated for removal this year.

9/29/2014 08:19:37 Anonymous inspected this Location

This was forwarded to Lee Huss and Dave Williams for response.

9/28/2014 17:36:50 Adam Wason assigned this case to Anonymous

For Lee.

9/27/2014 18:15:18 Anonymous assigned this case to Adam Wason

9/27/2014 18:15:18 Opened by Anonymous

1900 E Hunter AVE

Neighborhood AssociationEastside

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