
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #148417


Other: Huge amount of graffiti on the back of the Stahl Furniture building. This size faces Washington street and is clearly visible in all of its criminal glory as you are driving south on Washington approaching 1st Street as it crosses S Washington. I know this is private property but can the city offer to correct this for Stahl or at least let Stahl know about it. It really makes the area look seedy and especially Stahl.

Are you a property owner/manager
Graffiti is on
Is this area constantly plagued by graffiti?
If so, is it always the same kind of graffiti (political, idealogical, offensive, tags, etc?)
Not sure, but I have noticed the amount of it has increased since the home directly east of the back of Stahl was razed and is not just a grass lot.
Would you like to be contacted

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 7 days, although some cases may be longer. 96 days have already passed.


12/21/2015 09:00:33 Closed by Christina Smith

Graffiti removed and business owner notified.

9/16/2015 15:09:50 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

have spoken with the business owner they are going to purchase matching paint and we will cover the graffiti on the building.

9/15/2015 20:15:54 Anonymous assigned this case to mike stienston

9/15/2015 20:15:54 Opened by Anonymous