
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #149129

Traffic Suggestions:

Other: need a pedestrian signal to connect northside of east3rd to southside to cross east3rd to get to Clairizz. tx

Assigned to
Neil Kopper
Complaint Type
Traffic Lights


11/9/2015 13:12:45 Closed by Neil Kopper

This signal is controlled by INDOT. Emailed requesting citizen with explanation and forwarded request to INDOT engineer.

10/27/2015 14:24:31 Neil Kopper contacted Anonymous

Hi Neil, I'm writing in response to the uReport you submitted requesting a pedestrian signal at the intersection of 3rd and Clarizz. I agree that pedestrian signal indications at this location (as well as marked crosswalks) would be beneficial. However, this traffic signal is actually owned and operated by the state department of transportation (INDOT), not the City of Bloomington. I will forward your request to INDOT. Thanks, - Neil

10/19/2015 09:25:06 Andrew Cibor assigned this case to Neil Kopper

10/19/2015 07:29:14 Danna Workman assigned this case to Andrew Cibor

10/16/2015 09:53:32 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman

10/16/2015 09:53:32 Opened by Anonymous