
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #152867

Parking Meters and Citations:

Other: Driving home on I-69, I foolishly decided to stop in Bloomington for s bite to eat. I parked on Kirkwood where another car was parked. I parked at a meter that was not posted "No Parking". I went into a pizza place, ordered, and came back to my car withing 5 mins. I was sitting in the car when a policeman approached. He was very rude, informing me it was a No Parking Zone. It appears I did not see the sign, as it was on the ground, and I should have been looking on the ground before parking. I made it very clear that I was just there for a moment, but still got a ticket. A ticket that had to be paid within a week or it doubled. That's quite a racket you have going there. I learned a very valuable lesson though. Bloomington is not a welcoming town for visitors who don't know the rules. I will not be stopping in Bloomington on any future trips on I-69.

Assigned to
Raye Ann Cox


5/23/2016 13:51:40 Closed by Raye Ann Cox

I am sorry you experienced problems with our parking. please give bloomington another chance.

5/23/2016 13:50:48 Raye Ann Cox contacted Anonymous

sorry for your bad experience with the meters, please give Bloomington another try sometime.

5/12/2016 03:18:19 Anonymous assigned this case to Raye Ann Cox

5/12/2016 03:18:19 Opened by Anonymous