
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #153057

Potholes, Other Street Repair:

Other: This is not a pothole report but an observation that the median on College Mall Road looks terrible. The weeds are knee-high and have completely overtaken all the medians on College Mall Road. Is anything going to be done? It looks horrible. Also, who's responsibility is it to maintain the grass along Sare Rd. between Rogers and Moores Pike? Especially just north of the Rogers Rd. round-about and then the area just south of Renwick? There are sections of the grass areas on the east side of Sare Rd. that are not maintained. I have seen some of the homeowners that back up to these areas cut the grass behind their property but there are many who do not. It looks so bad. And for that curved area right before Renwick not sure who is suppose to maintain that section. The mayor needs to get on these issues. It's a main thoroughfare and it looks bad.

Assigned to
JD Boruff

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 7 days, although some cases may be longer. 962 days have already passed.


1/10/2019 09:59:57 Closed by JD Boruff

This is an old uReport ticket that was never closed. We are assuming that this issue has been resolved. If it has not been, please let us know.

Sent notification to Anonymous, JD Boruff
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=153057 Closed by JD Boruff This is an old uReport ticket that was never closed. We are assuming that this issue has been resolved. If it has not been, please let us know.

5/23/2016 10:53:43 Danna Workman assigned this case to JD Boruff

5/23/2016 10:52:59 Danna Workman followed up on this ticket

Street Dept. mowing our responsibility. Will notify Parks regarding College Mall Road.

5/23/2016 05:48:59 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman

5/23/2016 05:48:59 Opened by Anonymous