
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #153082

Yard Waste:

Other: The owner of 1413 w 11th st has established a series of about 7 five gallon plastic buckets up against his house that are holding stagnant water. This will breed mosquitos and is unsafe to the neighborhood as it will contribute to the spread of disease including the potential for zika. Please have the owner remedy the situation.


5/31/2016 09:13:17 Closed by Anonymous

We do not have an ordinance regarding stagnant water/mosquitoes.

5/30/2016 13:31:29 Rhea Carter assigned this case to Anonymous

This was assigned to me, however I believe it should be to you.

5/23/2016 21:11:28 Anonymous assigned this case to Rhea Carter

5/23/2016 21:11:28 Opened by Anonymous