
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #153769

Traffic Related Complaints:

Other: So many cars are speeding through the Waterman neighborhood, between 7th and 8th St from Vernal Pk to Spring St. The speeders run up and down 7th and 8th St. Here are some ideas the City could help us out with, 1. a Temporary Speed Display Board on 8th St, 2. Additional speed limit signs, 3. Speed bumps. I would certainly welcome any suggestions you might have.

Complaint Type


6/29/2016 08:15:00 Closed by Anonymous

Forwarded this on to the Scott for possible traffic commission review.

6/29/2016 07:24:14 Danna Workman assigned this case to Anonymous

6/28/2016 10:47:08 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman

6/28/2016 10:47:08 Opened by Anonymous