
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Duplicate #153978

Traffic Related Complaints:

Other: Construction hazards on SARE Rd, lanes not properly shut down, no signs, construction had me in standstill traffic for OVER TEN MINUTES on my way to work this morning at 8 AM, should NOT be allowed to close lanes during morning rush hour, people holding signs to direct traffic were not coordinating with each other causing more hazards, again very upset they are even allowed to close lanes that early on a job that is nonemergency, will continue to complain to every channel necessary to get this RIDICULOUS problem solved so I am not late to work again

Complaint Type


7/12/2016 08:32:49 Closed by Anonymous

Same as ticket 153977

7/11/2016 11:17:56 Danna Workman assigned this case to Anonymous

7/11/2016 11:16:39 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman

7/11/2016 11:16:39 Opened by Anonymous