
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #155975

Traffic Suggestions:

Other: There are no speed limit signs on the part of Jordan ave that goes through campus (i contacted IUPD about this and they told me because it was a city street to contact the city). IUPD also told me the speed limit on that part of Jordan is currently 30mph; with the new work done last year, there are now five pedestrian crosswalks not at intersections on this section of the road, so that speed is probably too high, particularly with the hill and curve in the road near the Musical Arts Center.

Assigned to
Andrew Cibor


12/27/2016 10:20:45 Closed by Andrew Cibor

12/14/16 City Traffic Commission discussed speed limit of this section of Jordan and recommended reducing it to 25mph. Changes will be included in the next Title 15 ordinance update to go to Council in early 2017. Emailed Ms. Chapman an update.

Sent notification to Andrew Cibor, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=155975 Closed by Andrew Cibor 12/14/16 City Traffic Commission discussed speed limit of this section of Jordan and recommended reducing it to 25mph. Changes will be included in the next Title 15 ordinance update to go to Council in early 2017. Emailed Ms. Chapman an update.

9/20/2016 08:31:16 Andrew Cibor followed up on this ticket

Provided the following response to Ms Chapman: "Thank you for taking the time to submit a uReport and bring forward your observations regarding the speed limit on Jordan. Jordan south of Law Lane is a City owned and maintained facility - north of Law Lane it is an IU facility. Per City Code, this stretch of road should have a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. Given the recent work along the corridor I think your comment about the speed limit possibly being too high is a fair one. As such, I will coordinate an evaluation of the speed limit and likely have the findings presented to the City's Traffic Commission once completed. Given a change to the speed limit will require City Council action the process typically involves a staff evaluation, a Traffic Commission recommendation, and City Council decision before any changes can be made. I'd be more than happy to keep you posted on our findings and the next steps. When the topic goes forward to the Traffic Commission it may be helpful if you could attend or submit a written response either in support of or against staff's findings and recommendations once available. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. At the earliest, this topic would go forward to the City's Traffic Commission meeting on October 26. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention." Coordinate traffic count and speed data request with Paul. Put on Scott and Nate's Traffic Commission radar.

9/20/2016 06:16:05 Anonymous assigned this case to Andrew Cibor

9/16/2016 20:15:21 Anonymous assigned this case to Danna Workman

9/16/2016 20:15:21 Opened by Anonymous

132-142 South Jordan Avenue


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