
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #159582


Other: The base of a persimmon tree in the easement along the road has a partially rotted trunk.


See all thumbnails
5939acdd641db 6/8/2017


1/15/2020 13:20:41 Closed by Melissa Hirtzel

uReport is 3 years old. If this is still an issue, resident should submit a new uReport.

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=159582 Closed by Melissa Hirtzel uReport is 3 years old. If this is still an issue, resident should submit a new uReport.

7/25/2019 11:36:55 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

Final update?

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=159582 Jennifer Grubbs assigned this case to Dave Williams You can use the link to follow progress on this case. Final update?

6/8/2017 20:38:56 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=159582 Paula McDevitt assigned this case to Dave Williams You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

6/8/2017 16:50:28 Christina Smith contacted Anonymous

Ms. Conley, I have re-assigned your uReport to our Urban Forester, Lee Huss, in the Parks and Recreation Department to determine if this is a city tree. If it is then he will make the decision on the type of maintenance required. Again thank you for the uReport, Christina

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=159582 Christina Smith contacted Eleanor Conley Ms. Conley, I have re-assigned your uReport to our Urban Forester, Lee Huss, in the Parks and Recreation Department to determine if this is a city tree. If it is then he will make the decision on the type of maintenance required. Again thank you for the uReport, Christina

6/8/2017 16:47:45 Christina Smith assigned this case to Anonymous

This tree may be in the right of way?

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=159582 Christina Smith assigned this case to Paula McDevitt You can use the link to follow progress on this case. This tree may be in the right of way?

6/8/2017 16:00:29 Anonymous assigned this case to Christina Smith

Sent notification to Christina Smith, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=159582 Anonymous assigned this case to Christina Smith You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

6/8/2017 16:00:29 Opened by Anonymous

200-206 South Fairview Street


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