
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Duplicate #164505

Trash: Comment

Email: Ms. Young reached out to the Office of the Mayor with concerns about the property at 823 W. 17th St. Ms. Young stated that there is trash, thick vegetation and pests on the property- making it a public health hazard.

Assigned to
Jo Stong

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 9 days, although some cases may be longer. 0 days have already passed.


5/23/2018 08:27:00 Closed by Jo Stong

Went to property with Linda Thompson, environmental planner. Noted several invasive species. No containers with water noted on property. Very little trash. Porch cluttered. Back yard overgrown. Spoke with owner. He said he would work on it every day. Told him what he needed to do, gave him two weeks to work and we will revisit. He is clear on what he needs to do to be in compliance.

Sent notification to Anonymous, Jo Stong, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164505 Closed by Jo Stong Went to property with Linda Thompson, environmental planner. Noted several invasive species. No containers with water noted on property. Very little trash. Porch cluttered. Back yard overgrown. Spoke with owner. He said he would work on it every day. Told him what he needed to do, gave him two weeks to work and we will revisit. He is clear on what he needs to do to be in compliance.

5/23/2018 08:26:33 Jo Stong followed up on this ticket

See 164501. Duplicate complaint. Closing case.

Sent notification to Anonymous, Jo Stong, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164505 Jo Stong followed up on this ticket See 164501. Duplicate complaint. Closing case.

5/23/2018 08:24:37 Jo Stong followed up on this ticket

The address is 823 W 7th, not 17th. This is a duplicate complaint (see Went to property with Linda Thompson, environmental planner. Noted several invasive species. No containers with water noted on property. Very little trash. Porch cluttered. Back yard overgrown. Spoke with owner. He said he would work on it every day. Told him what he needed to do, gave him two weeks to work and we will revisit. He is clear on what he needs to do to be in compliance.

Sent notification to Anonymous, Jo Stong, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164505 Jo Stong followed up on this ticket The address is 823 W 7th, not 17th. This is a duplicate complaint (see Went to property with Linda Thompson, environmental planner. Noted several invasive species. No containers with water noted on property. Very little trash. Porch cluttered. Back yard overgrown. Spoke with owner. He said he would work on it every day. Told him what he needed to do, gave him two weeks to work and we will revisit. He is clear on what he needs to do to be in compliance.

5/22/2018 16:55:54 Daniel Bixler assigned this case to Jo Stong

Sent notification to Anonymous, Jo Stong, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164505 Daniel Bixler assigned this case to Jo Stong You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

5/22/2018 11:28:45 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

Full email from Ms. Young: I am a long time Bloomington resident and have lived on W. 7th street for 20+ years. My home is 5 minutes from City Hall. Over the years I have watched the property across the street at 823 W. 7th fill up with garbage, trash and thick vegetation. I believe this property is a hazard to public health. The property provides habitat for mosquitoes, rats, raccoons and other pests. The mess has encouraged other people to add trash to the piles as well. We have made numerous complaints to HAND. Because one of the neighbors has mowed a narrow strip of grass in front of the house, the people at HAND have told me and others there is “nothing to ticket”. I respectfully disagree. The resident has thrown food wrappers, carry out containers, broken furniture, old newspapers, etc onto the porch and into the back “yard” for many years. This constitutes a threat to health, safety and peace of mind in our neighborhood. It also is detrimental to property values. I would really appreciate it if your enforcement agents would take a second look at this eyesore in an otherwise pleasant and quiet neighborhood just minutes from your office.

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164505 Morgan Wells assigned this case to Eric Sader You can use the link to follow progress on this case. Full email from Ms. Young: I am a long time Bloomington resident and have lived on W. 7th street for 20+ years. My home is 5 minutes from City Hall. Over the years I have watched the property across the street at 823 W. 7th fill up with garbage, trash and thick vegetation. I believe this property is a hazard to public health. The property provides habitat for mosquitoes, rats, raccoons and other pests. The mess has encouraged other people to add trash to the piles as well. We have made numerous complaints to HAND. Because one of the neighbors has mowed a narrow strip of grass in front of the house, the people at HAND have told me and others there is “nothing to ticket”. I respectfully disagree. The resident has thrown food wrappers, carry out containers, broken furniture, old newspapers, etc onto the porch and into the back “yard” for many years. This constitutes a threat to health, safety and peace of mind in our neighborhood. It also is detrimental to property values. I would really appreciate it if your enforcement agents would take a second look at this eyesore in an otherwise pleasant and quiet neighborhood just minutes from your office.

5/22/2018 11:28:44 Opened by Anonymous

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164505 Opened by Morgan Wells Dear Constituent: Thank you for submitting information to us via uReport. We value your input and hope that we will be able to address your questions and concerns. HAND neighborhood compliance officers will inspect the property and determine if the cited trash at this property is in violation of Bloomington Municipal Code 6.06.070 (a). In the event of a violation, the neighborhood compliance officer will issue a Notice of Violation to the property owners via first class mail and by placing a copy of the violation on the property. After the Notice of Violation is issued, the property owner and/or tenant has seven (7) days to bring the property into compliance. If the property is not brought into compliance within the initial seven (7) days, the inspector may go to daily tickets. Thank you, HAND staff

823 W 17th ST


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