
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #164547


Other: Graffiti on West side of the Headley RD bridge just South of the Lake Griffy Boathouse (3400 N Headley RD). It should be a simple fix. The graffiti is more visible from the water than the bridge.

Assigned to
JD Boruff

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 7 days, although some cases may be longer. 0 days have already passed.


5/25/2018 08:24:08 Closed by JD Boruff

The program where the City Public Works Department removes graffiti from non-City property has been discontinued. The bridge is the responsibility of the Monroe County Highway Department. They would be the agency to contact for removing the graffiti. Thanks, J.D. Boruff City of Bloomington Public Works

Sent notification to JD Boruff
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164547 Closed by JD Boruff The program where the City Public Works Department removes graffiti from non-City property has been discontinued. The bridge is the responsibility of the Monroe County Highway Department. They would be the agency to contact for removing the graffiti. Thanks, J.D. Boruff City of Bloomington Public Works

5/25/2018 08:23:42 JD Boruff contacted JD Boruff

The program where the City Public Works Department removes graffiti from non-City property has been discontinued. The bridge is the responsibility of the Monroe County Highway Department. They would be the agency to contact for removing the graffiti. Thanks, J.D. Boruff City of Bloomington Public Works

Sent notification to JD Boruff
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164547 JD Boruff contacted JD Boruff The program where the City Public Works Department removes graffiti from non-City property has been discontinued. The bridge is the responsibility of the Monroe County Highway Department. They would be the agency to contact for removing the graffiti. Thanks, J.D. Boruff City of Bloomington Public Works

5/24/2018 16:33:30 Anonymous assigned this case to JD Boruff

Sent notification to JD Boruff
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=164547 Anonymous assigned this case to JD Boruff You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

5/24/2018 16:33:30 Opened by Anonymous
