
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #167109

City Performance:

Web Form: Hello. I'm following up to my SPEA crosswalk problem. Maybe I don't understand it but doesn't the City control that? Seems like the City is always catering to IU or is afraid instead of the rest of us living here. But something like a signal to take turns would work too. Just crazy if you ever watch it between classes. Heck, even a warning light blocks away to avoid it during those fifteen minute jams. But it's a real problem, more than a request for convenience. If the City can act, act please. I'd avoid campus if I could but it's huge and in the middle of town! Plus I have to go to campus sometimes. So help! If IU is in charge of funding and doing it and has authority over the City please let me know as will contact them. But seems they don't care much for the town other than itself. Thousands would be grateful! Thank you all. I'd even pay into a fund to stop that crazy logjam. I don't want people getting hit or cars.


1/17/2019 14:14:33 Closed by Adam Wason

Responded via comment, but no contact information to follow-up on.

Sent notification to Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=167109 Closed by Adam Wason Responded via comment, but no contact information to follow-up on.

1/17/2019 14:12:56 Adam Wason commented on this case.

No the City does not control putting in an under/overpass onto IU property.

Sent notification to Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=167109 Adam Wason commented on this case. No the City does not control putting in an under/overpass onto IU property.

1/17/2019 13:45:11 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

Sent notification to Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=167109 Anonymous assigned this case to Morgan Allen You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/17/2019 13:45:11 Opened by Anonymous

411 E 1st St, Bloomington, Indiana, 47401


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