
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #167665


Web Form: This house is outside of city limits. Hello, I would like to know I contact about neighbors letting their trash build up. The neighbors are in section 8 housing, but there is no reason to not keep up with burning their trash. This is causing a health hazard to the rest of us. One of my other neighbors just told me he has already talked with them and they don't seem to care. He even stated that he called the police, but the police, said they can't do anything about it because outside of city limits they are allowed to burn trash. But the problem is they are not burning it, "IT IS BEING PILED UP BY THEIR HOUSE" (yellow house on McCormick Lane), this is causing a rodent issues and problems for the rest of us. The same neighbor told me he woke up this morning with two dead mice floating in his dish water...very nasty he said. If you are the right people I should be contacting, please point in the direction of those I should contact. This problem needs to be address, before the rest of us are over-run with rodents and other unwanted critters. I would like to remain anonymous, but if not so be it! Thank you.

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 9 days, although some cases may be longer. 0 days have already passed.


3/3/2019 15:02:41 Closed by Anonymous

City staff are unable to assist as outside of City limits is beyond our jurisdiction to take action. Consider contacting your township trustee or county oversight authority. You can often find ownership contact information, however, by using Monroe County's GIS system called Elevate, that you can find in a Google search. You might also try contacting the voucher-issuing authority for Section 8 in your area if you have concerns. I am uncertain if Bloomington Housing Authority places vouchers in your area, as it may instead fall to a community action program or other authority or provider.

Sent notification to Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=167665 Closed by Eric Sader City staff are unable to assist as outside of City limits is beyond our jurisdiction to take action. Consider contacting your township trustee or county oversight authority. You can often find ownership contact information, however, by using Monroe County's GIS system called Elevate, that you can find in a Google search. You might also try contacting the voucher-issuing authority for Section 8 in your area if you have concerns. I am uncertain if Bloomington Housing Authority places vouchers in your area, as it may instead fall to a community action program or other authority or provider.

3/2/2019 16:28:50 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

Sent notification to Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=167665 Anonymous assigned this case to Eric Sader You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

3/2/2019 16:28:50 Opened by Anonymous

Sent notification to Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=167665 Opened by Anonymous Dear Constituent: Thank you for submitting information to us via uReport. We value your input and hope that we will be able to address your questions and concerns. HAND neighborhood compliance officers will inspect the property and determine if the cited trash at this property is in violation of Bloomington Municipal Code 6.06.070 (a). In the event of a violation, the neighborhood compliance officer will issue a Notice of Violation to the property owners via first class mail and by placing a copy of the violation on the property. After the Notice of Violation is issued, the property owner and/or tenant has seven (7) days to bring the property into compliance. If the property is not brought into compliance within the initial seven (7) days, the inspector may go to daily tickets. Thank you, HAND staff

7045 McCormick Ln, Bloomington, Indiana, 47401


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