
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #174481

Line of Sight:

Other: 2 things: First, because of the bad line of sight, it is VERY difficult to pull out of our subdivision Bentley Court, or to turn into it. The other thing is we REALLY need a deer crossing sign there. Every day, deer go behind our houses and cross Winslow. Each day, I hold my breath, and can't look. Cars cannot see because of the bad line of sight/hill and then, there are the deer, daily. Help please!!!

Assigned to
Andrew Cibor


7/8/2021 16:05:41 Closed by Andrew Cibor

Emailed citizen following response: Engineering staff conducted an additional review of the sight distance at this intersection. As you described, the hill limits the sight distance at the intersection. Changing the roadway design to improve sight distance would have some benefits; however, such a change would be costly and would need to be prioritized with all the other initiatives planned throughout the city. Despite the obstructions, sight distance was measured to meet the minimum distance recommended for a road with a 30mph speed limit. Sight distance is evaluated from an industry fixed height that reflects that of a driver's eye height in a passenger car, and a fixed point which typically requires a driver to move forward with caution prior to making the movement. Regarding a possible deer crossing sign, the city does not have plans to install such a sign given research has found that signs like this do not reduce deer-vehicle crashes and that signs alone are ineffective at slowing people down or changing driver behavior. Regarding possible speed humps, the City has a new resident led traffic calming request process to be aware of (website: https://bloomington.in.gov/tcgp). The call for project applications has already passed for 2021 but I anticipate a similar initiative will happen next year. In the interim, we have plans to temporarily locate the City's radar speed feedback trailer on Winslow Rd in this area to enhance driver awareness starting next week.

Sent notification to Andrew Cibor, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=174481 Closed by Andrew Cibor Emailed citizen following response: Engineering staff conducted an additional review of the sight distance at this intersection. As you described, the hill limits the sight distance at the intersection. Changing the roadway design to improve sight distance would have some benefits; however, such a change would be costly and would need to be prioritized with all the other initiatives planned throughout the city. Despite the obstructions, sight distance was measured to meet the minimum distance recommended for a road with a 30mph speed limit. Sight distance is evaluated from an industry fixed height that reflects that of a driver's eye height in a passenger car, and a fixed point which typically requires a driver to move forward with caution prior to making the movement. Regarding a possible deer crossing sign, the city does not have plans to install such a sign given research has found that signs like this do not reduce deer-vehicle crashes and that signs alone are ineffective at slowing people down or changing driver behavior. Regarding possible speed humps, the City has a new resident led traffic calming request process to be aware of (website: https://bloomington.in.gov/tcgp). The call for project applications has already passed for 2021 but I anticipate a similar initiative will happen next year. In the interim, we have plans to temporarily locate the City's radar speed feedback trailer on Winslow Rd in this area to enhance driver awareness starting next week.

7/1/2021 06:37:49 Anonymous assigned this case to Andrew Cibor

Sent notification to Andrew Cibor, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=174481 Chris Axsom assigned this case to Andrew Cibor You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

7/1/2021 06:36:46 Anonymous assigned this case to Andrew Cibor

Sent notification to Andrew Cibor, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=174481 Chris Axsom assigned this case to Andrew Cibor You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

2/8/2021 10:58:19 Karina Pazos assigned this case to Danna Workman

Staff investigated this report and did not find line of sight issue. Danna, would Street be the appropriate department to look into deer sign request?

Sent notification to Danna Workman, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=174481 Karina Pazos assigned this case to Danna Workman You can use the link to follow progress on this case. Staff investigated this report and did not find line of sight issue. Danna, would Street be the appropriate department to look into deer sign request?

1/11/2021 17:37:49 Anonymous assigned this case to Karina Pazos

Sent notification to Karina Pazos, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=174481 Anonymous assigned this case to Karina Pazos You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/11/2021 17:37:49 Opened by Anonymous

1711 E Winslow RD


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