
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #176699


Other: Went to Leonard Springs last Monday. As you know there is a trail map just inside the gate. That map is at the junction of the main trail, the road, and what appears to be a trail off to the right. We decide that we should tackle the difficult part and then have an easy hike backup on the road. Big mistake. The trail was steep and very slick from the rain. Half way down a friend slipped in the mud, tried to steady himself on a tree which immediately gave way causing him to faceplant into downed debris and breaking the radius in the elbow. Luckily we had a soft pack to use as a sling. Being that going backup would be impossible we continued down hoping to pick up the road as indicated on the map. Since the trail in most info we had seen prior listed the trail as easy what we were on was in no way "easy." Much to our surprise we encountered another much more well defined and developed trail which we could take back up. This trail was easy, steps and well groomed surface. Once back on the road we stopped and looked at the trail map again. It soon became apparent the sign was in a very unfortunate location or would have better served by having an annotation like "you are here" with an arrow indicating the trail is actually 50 yards down the road. Please move the sign or add a caveat that what appears to be a well worn trail is very steep and difficult is not the main trail. My friend has had one surgery and faces others to repair the damage. By the way we are all fairly athletic and experienced hikers. thank you for your consideration.

Assigned to
Steve Cotter


10/5/2021 14:27:20 Closed by Steve Cotter

This case has been closed and a message sent to the submitter.

Sent notification to Steve Cotter, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=176699 Closed by Steve Cotter This case has been closed and a message sent to the submitter.

10/5/2021 14:26:33 Steve Cotter commented on this case.

Hello the shortcut trail by the orientation sign at Leonard Springs Nature Park has been blocked off.

Sent notification to Steve Cotter, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=176699 Steve Cotter commented on this case. Hello the shortcut trail by the orientation sign at Leonard Springs Nature Park has been blocked off.

7/29/2021 16:16:04 Steve Cotter commented on this case.

Hello thank you for submitting this report about trail signage at Leonard Springs Nature Park. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's injury and hope his recovery is quick and complete. I looked at the map on the orientation sign and I can see how it would be possible to think the trail descends from the sign. We are planning a new signing system for the trail at LS and will take your suggestion in to account. We are considering a system similar to Pate Hollow which has "you are here" dots on them. Shortcut trails are common in the park and it's difficult to close them once they are established. We will attempt to block of any trails between the entrance gate and the stairs. Thank you

Sent notification to Steve Cotter, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=176699 Steve Cotter commented on this case. Hello thank you for submitting this report about trail signage at Leonard Springs Nature Park. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's injury and hope his recovery is quick and complete. I looked at the map on the orientation sign and I can see how it would be possible to think the trail descends from the sign. We are planning a new signing system for the trail at LS and will take your suggestion in to account. We are considering a system similar to Pate Hollow which has "you are here" dots on them. Shortcut trails are common in the park and it's difficult to close them once they are established. We will attempt to block of any trails between the entrance gate and the stairs. Thank you

7/27/2021 11:47:11 Tim Street assigned this case to Steve Cotter

Steve - can you please take a look at the sign in question? Thanks --

Sent notification to Steve Cotter, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=176699 Tim Street assigned this case to Steve Cotter You can use the link to follow progress on this case. Steve - can you please take a look at the sign in question? Thanks --

7/27/2021 10:47:30 Anonymous assigned this case to Tim Street

Sent notification to Tim Street, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=176699 Paula McDevitt assigned this case to Tim Street You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

7/27/2021 09:42:18 Cliff Ingham assigned this case to Anonymous

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=176699 Cliff Ingham assigned this case to Paula McDevitt You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

7/27/2021 09:42:04 Changed category from Website & Web Services Feedback to Trails

7/26/2021 14:48:10 Anonymous assigned this case to Cliff Ingham

Sent notification to Cliff Ingham, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=176699 Anonymous assigned this case to Cliff Ingham You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

7/26/2021 14:48:10 Opened by Anonymous