
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Invalid #178643


Other: I’m having a serious issue with the garbage trucks that come every single more way too early for me to even ben up for that wakes up EVERYONE in my apartment. It’s actually getting out of hand. This wasn’t happening as much September-December. They used to come once a week and wake us up but NOW… They come EVERY morning and wakes us all up. I really don’t believe this is fair to anyone and think this needs to be changed to a later time for them to come. I don’t really care if it’s the scheduled time but it’s complete unfair that we have to be woken up from this dumpster pick up next to our building each morning. They yell, they take at least and hour and a half each time to complete what they have to do. It’s honestly absurd and I (and the rest of my roommates) can’t get woken up each morning from this. Please someone get back to me before I lose my absolute mind!!!!!!

Assigned to
John Hewett

Most tickets of this type should be closed within 9 days, although some cases may be longer. 3 days have already passed.


1/24/2022 08:39:11 Closed by John Hewett

This is not a Bloomington City issue.

Sent notification to John Hewett, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=178643 Closed by John Hewett This is not a Bloomington City issue.

1/21/2022 09:06:16 John Hewett assigned this case to John Hewett

Sent notification to John Hewett, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=178643 John Hewett assigned this case to John Hewett You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/21/2022 09:05:35 John Hewett contacted Anonymous

Rachel, The dumpsters in Bloomington all belong to private companies, not the City of Bloomington. you will need to contact the owner of the dumpster. I recommend that you start with Republic services, they provide service for about 90% of all dumpsters in the downtown area. Sincerely, John Hewett

Sent notification to Brent Pierce, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=178643 John Hewett contacted Rachel Greenblatt Rachel, The dumpsters in Bloomington all belong to private companies, not the City of Bloomington. you will need to contact the owner of the dumpster. I recommend that you start with Republic services, they provide service for about 90% of all dumpsters in the downtown area. Sincerely, John Hewett

1/21/2022 06:47:39 Anonymous assigned this case to Brent Pierce

Sent notification to Brent Pierce, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=178643 Anonymous assigned this case to Brent Pierce You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/21/2022 06:47:39 Opened by Anonymous

Sent notification to Brent Pierce, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=178643 Opened by Anonymous Dear Constituent: Thank you for submitting information to us via uReport. We value your input and hope that we will be able to address your questions and concerns. HAND neighborhood compliance officers will inspect the property and determine if the cited trash at this property is in violation of Bloomington Municipal Code 6.06.070 (a). In the event of a violation, the neighborhood compliance officer will issue a Notice of Violation to the property owners via first class mail and by placing a copy of the violation on the property. After the Notice of Violation is issued, the property owner and/or tenant has seven (7) days to bring the property into compliance. If the property is not brought into compliance within the initial seven (7) days, the inspector may go to daily tickets. Thank you, HAND staff

422 E 6th ST

Neighborhood AssociationOld Northeast Downtown

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